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Psychic all the way

The Tunye civilization does not use hieroglyphics. They do not use letters. They do not use numbers. They do not use any conventional methods of communication known to New Earthlings. What do they use? Telepathy. Yes, telepathy – the communication of thoughts and ideas by means other than the five known senses. In their case, it is the communication with each other through the mind. The science behind their psychic links has to do with their ability to store and send energy. What happens during communication is that each Tunye individual sends pulses of energy that another individual, or a group of individuals, can receive and interpret. The interpretation of these energy pulses are complex and hard to understand. In order to communicate different thoughts and ideas, the pulses are sent out with varying lengths, varying "force," and verging frequencies, thus allowing the receiving individuals to differentiate between what is being transmitted.

There's no official written language for the Tunyes since most of the communicating is done through a psychic connection. Nevertheless, Tunya needs a way to communicate with other civilizations, and that's where queen Mamutsa steps in. As she is the spokesperson and governor of the Tunye civilization, it is her duty to talk to other civilizations in their respective language. Amazingly though, the queen doesn't have to take language lessons. The radioactive wastes made sure that the queen would be able to speak and write all languages spoken in the galaxy, including the many different dialects that are included within each language.

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