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Pacifists to the core

The Tunye civilization is not known for violence. Out of all of the civilizations that can be found in the galactic map, the Tunyes are ranked among the top five in the “most peaceful civilizations”. Despite their religious beliefs in non-violence, the Tunye are nonetheless ready for any intergalactic or interplanetary struggles.

It is said that their religion is founded upon the history of the waste that created them. For some reason, the radioactive material found in the waste made the Tunyes aware of what happened during the apocalyptic nuclear war in New Earth. As a result of genetic mutation, the Tunyes are no longer pro war, but against it.

In their religion, the Tunyes do not have a god. Unlike many religions found in New Earth, they do not worship anyone, but they do worship spirits, spirits that symbolize their ideals and beliefs on cooperation, peace, and hard work. The spirit of cooperation is called Prapa; the spirit of peace is named Pratch; and the spirit of hard work goes by the name of Prop. The Tunyes believe that their queen, Mamutsa, is representative of all three spirits, and they know this to be true because they all have a psychic connection to their queen Mamutsa.

To worship the spirits, they have a special dome-shaped building named Prasque that is made out of tulba, the rarest plant species in Tunya. The Tunyes go to this building every 40 days to store a part of their collected energy into a supernova light cannon. This cannon is shot at the Sumesh star when the year ends, restoring some of its energy back.

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