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Mutants that are efficient

The creatures and plants found in Tunya share similar characteristics and traits with the Tunyes. Most, if not all, of these organisms have the ability to absorb the solar energy emitted by the Sumesh star and store it inside of their body cells. Because of this, the plants and creatures that grow in Tunya are a valuable resource that’s highly valued by other planets and thus are traded with them, although each of them have their unique abilities.

One of the most common plants found in planet Tunya is the maliva. The maliva is a tree-resembling organism that can be found in terrestrial ecosystems throughout the entire planet. It has a dark green pigment and it is moderately large, with a height of 20 meters and a width (radius) of 4 meters. Because of its somewhat humongous size, the maliva has evolved to become a “power storage house,” allowing other creatures and plants to use energy from its trunk.

There are also smaller plants such as the alkal. The alkal is not as abundant as the maliva, but its role is considered to play an essential part in keeping Tunya alive. Alkal is the only plant that converts the surface of Tunya into “soil” that organisms can grow on.

Transitioning into creatures, one can find a very mystical and deadly creature flying in the skies of Tunya. These creatures are named draakens. Draakens are, in New Earth terms, deadly, flying living weapons. They have wings that expand to 15 meters and weigh somewhere around 5 pounds. Many civilizations fear them, since they convert their stored solar energy to any type of “energized” attack.


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